Crystal and David

Crystal and David
Author with her husband

...and love of her life!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Successful Surgery

Hello Everyone,

Well, I am now right at three weeks post-op (the title links to a site that describes the surgery for any who are interested) and so far I have found both success and victory. I did not get a chance to update the blog during the week between my scheduled surgery date and the actual surgery, but in case you were wondering where I went to school, yes I know that May 23rd to June 20th would be four weeks rather than three. What happened?

I did everything I was supposed to do to have surgery on the 23rd. After total preparation, including needles in my legs and arms to monitor my spinal cord, electrodes and glue on my scalp to monitor my vocal cords, a pre-op shot and a dose of Versed, I was taken to the operating room and asked to move from the bed to the operating table. When they started hooking up all the needles and electrodes to the machines, they realized that neither their old machine, nor the newer-but-still-old borrowed machine, was going to work for them ever again. My surgeon would not operate without being able to monitor these important nerve functions, so I had to wake up as much as possible so I could go home and sleep off all the medicine.

When two machines fail, a person has to know that it just isn't God's will for things to happen the way they were planned. My surgery was rescheduled for the 30th and the cord monitor techs were very happy because they got a brand new machine. My surgery the next week went well, and according the doctor, went perfectly. My nephew was able to come out, since his school let out on the 29th, and help my husband take care of me. Not only was it good for us to visit, but we were able to talk about him making a decision to serve God and I was blessed to pray with him. In addition, though I was supposed to be in a private room after the surgery, I ended up in a room with a lady who needed prayer and allowed me to minister to her before I went home the day after surgery.

I have no doubt that all things which came to pass, including the postponed surgery, were to act on whatever God had planned. I believe even the fact that I ended up needing surgery (though I believe in miraculous healing and have experienced it in the past) was a plan in God's perfect will for my life. I trust God in all things and it makes life much more enjoyable.

And yes, this even applies to the GMCW book. Though it has become back burner as I have struggled to keep up with my commitment to the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference with the deficit in my strength and the loss of time given to doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapy, it will get done on the schedule that God intends. And, though I will be adding a job to my already crunched time schedule, I believe I will be able to get more done in less time now that my arms and hands are not going numb and in excruciating pain.

So, while I can't give you a specific date for anything at this time, I can tell you that the project is still near to my heart and that I will move the deadline at least one more time. Since tomorrow is the official start date of KCWC (the social and book signing are open to the public if you happen to be in the Elizabethtown, KY, area on Thursday evening), I will move the date to July 31st and dedicate the month of July to the book project. Though I am still getting a bit tired and having some pain when I type long, as I have today, I expect that by July, I should be able to push myself hard enough to get through the editing and get something written to all my contributors.

In the meantime, I offer thanks and blessings to all who have prayed and are continuing to pray for my health and for the book project. I have felt many of the prayers and know that God has been more than gracious to me in these and all areas of my life. I pray you all will continue to be blessed in every moment you live - and write - for Him.

With sincere wishes for your shalom and blessings,


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