Crystal and David

Crystal and David
Author with her husband

...and love of her life!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Another Deadline Extension? Yes!

Hello Writers,

Well, it took me all day to get through the "simple" stuff so I could get to this and update you. Most who have the address of this blog got my recent e-mail, but I still have e-mail to send to others who requested guidelines and have not yet submitted.

Anyway, as I've talked with people in person about submitting to my book, I've gotten some great responses, but some people needed more time. One of those who needs more time is running for a congressional seat from the state of Tennessee, so she has asked to have until after elections to start writing. (BTW, if Terri Weaver is in your district, please support her in the polls. She's a sincere Christian with a heart for Israel - and great musical talent too!)

The new deadline is set for December 7th. I didn't want submissions to end in November, just in case I decide to participate in National Novel Writing Month - - and I didn't want to let things go all the way to the end of the year. So, I randomly chose December 7th. Now, as I write this, it seems that Pearl Harbor Day is a fitting deadline since I like the number 7 and since my first written work that I remember getting an A+ grade on was in 7th grade and was about Pearl Harbor. (Hmm, I wonder what made me think of all of that just now.)

And with that, I shall close except to tell you that I now plan to update this blog at least once per week, and my plan is to work on it every Tuesday. So, if you want to know what's going on, check in on Wednesdays and if I didn't do an update, feel free to drop me a line and put a wiggly nudge on the end of it.



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